With 30 years of experience Cyndie has found what works best for her clients. The Customized Recurring Cleaning has become the hallmark of our success. We know that every home is unique and every homeowner has special requests that we will meet. This is where Saints Cleaning stands out above the rest! Higher use and traffic areas need more attention than other areas. In order to give each item and area the attention it deserves we use a unique baseline rotational schedule like the one example listed below that can be adjusted to meet your unique needs.
- Sink and faucet scrubbed and sanitized
- Countertops and backsplash
- Front of appliances
- Inside microwave
- Oven and cooktop(inside oven wiped out)
- Splashes on window above sink
- Floor vacuumed and wet-mopped
- Tables and chairs wiped
- Doors and light switches spot-wiped
- Patio/glass doors (outside too if weather permits)
- Mirrors and faucets shined
- Toilets
- Vanity and sinks
- Floors vacuumed & wet mopped
- Baseboards & fronts of cabinets
- Light fixtures dusted
- Shower doors, tracks, walls, floors
- Bathtubs and tub-surround
- Carpets vacuumed
- Stairs vacuumed
- Readily accessible floors vacuumed
- Hard floors vacuumed and mopped
- TV and computer screens (special care taken with special cleaners)
- Entry doors and light switches
- Throw rugs shaken, large rugs vacuumed
- Stair banisters and sides dusted
- Furniture, mantels, bookshelves, etc. (we will discuss special instructions)
- TV & Computer screens wiped
- Mirrors
- Blinds dusted
- Carpets vacuumed if floor is picked up
This rotation is based upon the unique needs of the home and interest of the homeowner